Jesus Paid It All
0In Jesus Paid It All, Daniel explores the profound and priceless sacrifice of Christ, presenting it as the ultimate model of selflessness and compassion.
The Effective Pastor: Understanding and Embracing the Call to a Pastoral Ministry
0This book is designed to inspire and empower pastors to fully understand and embrace their sacred calling. Drawing from scripture, practical experiences, and spiritual insights, Daniel provides pastors with actionable tools to lead their congregations with purpose, compassion, and spiritual authority.
Lust and Addiction: 9 Ways to Overpower Lust and Addiction
0This book is a Christian-based Self-Development guide that provides practical and faith-centered solutions for breaking free from the grip of lust and addiction.
Modern Demons: How Modern Society Fuels Anxiety and Fear in Unprecedented Ways
0This book is a Christian-based Self-Development guide that uncovers the pressures of modern life contributing to widespread anxiety and fear. Daniel delves into how social media, relentless work demands, and cultural expectations create “modern demons” that undermine mental and spiritual well-being.